Flexing Heart

The dancers who work and who have worked in the company:

Federica Aloisio
Stellario Di Blasi
Franz Cantalupo
Filippo Domini
Emanuela Fenech
Massimiliano Geraci
Valentina Iaia
Filippo Luna
Dario Mangiaracina
Simona Miraglia
Giuseppe Muscarello
Silvia Oteri
Tiziana Passoni
Federica Riccobono
Camilla Scarno'
Dario Tumminia
Valeria Zampardi
Alice Zanoni
Sabrina Vicari


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Giovanna è laurata all' Accademia Nazionale di Danza, ha ideato un metodo " Il cuore articolare" ( flexing heart ) che utilizza durante i suoi workshop.
Un processo di lavoro che dai principi ed aspetti tecnici della danza si muove rafforzando e mobilizzando il centro del corpo, mettendo in moto l'energia viscerale e globale del corpo nello spazio. Scrittura ed improvvisazione, in un processo legato al gioco, alle immagini, al personaggio, partendo dalla marionetta e puntando al legame stato d'animo e stato del corpo, la forma, la postura , la teatralità del gesto e del personaggio.
Giovanna ha lavorato alla Scuola di Arti e Mestieri del Teatro Biondo diretta da Emma Dante, ha tenuto laboratori intensivi per attori e danzatori per la compagnia di Fausto Paravidino, per i giovani attori del film Sicilian Ghost Story Regia di Antonio Piazza e Fabio Grassadonia.
Ha insegnato a Scolarea, scuola per attori e danzatori al TMO con il regista Claudio Collovà.
Ha tenuto laboratori di danza contemporanea per il progetto Université grand sud in Francia (Bastia, Nizza, Valence, Avignon, Aix en Provence), alla Friche di Marsiglia, al Centro Coreografico Nazionale di Orleans, diretto da Josef Nadj, a Castiglioncello (Armunia) a Isola del Liri, allo Ials di Roma. E' docente di danza contemporanea al Modem/compagnia Zappalà danza (scuola di perfezionamento professionale per danzatori) di Catania, diretto da Roberto Zappalà. Ha curato come partner e tenuto docenze per il progetto “Movimenti Urbani” a Palermo, sostenuto dal Ministero delle politiche giovanili. E' docente all'Accademia del Musical di Palermo.


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PinDoc born in 2018 by the union of Excursus and Fc@pin.d'oc, two well-known productions of contemporary dance; both productions concern coreographers, young choreographic talents, two specific dance-companies, independent artists and performer with a common sensitivity and vision. PinDoc is synonymous of crossover between artistic paths, collaborations, and companies and is represented in an exemplary way through the team that wanted the union: Giovanna Velardi and Ricky Bonavita for the artistic direction and Danila Blasi and Theodor Rawyler for the general direction.

Collaborations started with the project OfficinaCoreografica, supported by MIBAC and Regione Lazio, dedicated entirely to dance made by creative residences, support to new productions, workshops, research and meetings that has triggered a deep reflection on the reality of professional dance in Lazio and involved a large number of companies, choreographers, dancers, teachers, operators and scholars, all belonging to CORE Coordination of dance and performing arts of Lazio. This experience together with other shared projects has facilitated the alignment of the two productions in recent years.

Among the strong points of PinDoc we emphasize the wide range of shows and the plurality of languages related to contemporary creation that allow us to give life to strong and various dance production, which can support a triennial course of all the associated choreographers, from an organizational, administrative, logistic and communication point of view in their individual artistic paths, all closely related to contemporary dance, even in their stylistic differences, with signs ranging from a language more closely linked to the codes of contemporary dance techniques, to codes of dance theater, from p research tout court, to projects that arise in the sphere of community dance. The presence of choreographers belonging to different generations also allows a passage of professional knowledge directly linked to the production practices, supervision and promotion of the emerging talents born in the daily dialogue which is put into practice with pride by the direction of PinDoc.

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Informativa Decreto legislativo 30 giugno 2003, n. 196 e richiesta di consenso

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Titolare del trattamento è Compagnia Giovanna Velardi e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Responsabile del trattamento è Ass. Cult. FC@PIN.D'OC - Via Maqueda 232, 90134 Palermo - VAT 07149771003.




art direction: Giovanna Velardi

organizational direction: Danila Blasi

management: Letizia Coppotelli

communication: Benedetta Boggio

Ass. Cult. PinDoc Onlus

registered office
Via Maqueda 232 90134 Palermo
legal representative
Theodor Rawyleri

VAT number 07149771003  
NIN 97249270584


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